Caption with random image format

drhyt / 2012-12-10 02:15:02   

I found this question and figured out how to make the image title appear in random image format:

Now my question is, how to get the caption to show up too? Thanks.…

arsondpi / 2012-12-10 08:20:32   


As I described in that previous thread edit the random image plugin, find line 45 and replace it with:

$s .= "<img src='" . $OBJ->vars->images[0][$rand]['media_path'] . "' alt='" . $OBJ->vars->images[0][$rand]['media_title'] . "'/><p class='random_img_title'>" . $OBJ->vars->images[0][$rand]['media_title'] . "</p><p class='random_img_caption'>" . $OBJ->vars->images[0][$rand]['media_caption'] . "</p>";

You can control the looks of the title and the caption for this plugin by adding to your style.css (or the plugin if you have coding skills)

.random_img_title { font-size: 20px; }
.random_img_caption { font-size: 9px; }

* the css attributes above are just an example.

This thread has been closed, thank you.