color background on my pre-nav logo

lemathieu A / 2009-04-27 11:45:30   

Hi everybody!
I'm close to the end of building my centered website, and I wish to ask you few questions more…

My site

1st/ I try almost everything to desactivate the color background on my pre-nav logo, I don't understand what's wrong.

Others questions are comming...

Thanks to everybody!
Without Indexhibit and all the community, I would not be as far as I am…

paucc A / 2009-04-27 12:07:57   

I see your prenav logo with a transparent background, are you using explorer?
Explorer don't render properly the png transparency.

lemathieu A / 2009-04-27 12:32:22   

No, I'm using Firefox…
I see that that when I'm on my site.
It's a transparent png, but I don't want that fat line (wich is orange when I'm over)!
Thanks again for your attention.

Vaska A / 2009-04-27 12:34:58   

Yeah, I see it too...

Sometimes pinpointing the style rules to disable this can be tricky. You do have an a img style that should take care of it...but...yeah...

You might try adding border='0' directly to the img tag itself and see if that helps.

lemathieu A / 2009-04-27 12:48:12   
  1. @Vaska: you mean in my pre-nav box?
  2. For now I got this:
  3. <a href="my_home"><img  border="0" src="the_place_my_logo_is" width="120" height="150" /></a></li>
  4. Is it wrong?
lemathieu A / 2009-04-27 12:49:05   

sorry for the style of my post :(

arsondpi / 2009-04-27 12:58:38   

try something like

  1. #dididumdididoo { 
  2. position: a position;
  3. width: fat;
  4. height: nano;
  5. and¬†other lovely/obnoxious¬†css¬†rules¬†
  6. }

and then in the pre-nav

  1. <div id="dididumdididoo" onclick="location.href='';"></div>

lemathieu A / 2009-04-27 13:50:20   

arsondpi, you want browsers catch an headache? ;)
I think I see where you want to go…
I will try tonight. Thanks!

Vaska A / 2009-04-27 13:50:57   

Today is officially Incorrect Answer Day at the Indexhibit Forum!

Sorry, if you need help, today you're just going to get a whole lot of gibberish.

Love it!

arsondpi / 2009-04-27 14:21:58   

been listening to Mudhoney and Rick Astley back2back.

ok then.... Once again:

  1. #I_am_a_monster_logo { 
  2. background: url(your logo url)
  3. width: width of your logo in px;
  4. height: height of your logo in px;
  5. cursor:pointer;
  6. text-decoration:none; 
  7. ...and other css rules...
  8. }

and then in the pre-nav

  1. <div id="I_am_a_monster_logo" onclick="location.href='your home url';"></div>

lemathieu A / 2009-04-27 14:33:44   

Love you guys!
Will try tomorow!…

paucc A / 2009-04-27 17:50:53   

Today is officially Incorrect Answer Day at the Indexhibit Forum!


lemathieu A / 2009-05-01 20:40:13   

By the way, I did what I want by creating a new "logo" div in the index and a #logo in the style.css
That did the trick.

jasmu / 2009-12-15 09:48:04   
i'm trying to style my 'logo' via css.
i did insert that into the pre nav field: '' the next step should be to call it in the index.php, but i dunno where to insert it. and my guess is that i'll have to replace this '' somehow.

currently it's not working too well
can you how to do implement it and how to force it in the same area as the rest of the menu.

appreciate your help.

jasmu / 2009-12-15 09:49:29   

bad forum, why don't you let me quote code?

  1. <div id="logo" onclick="location.href='';"></div>
  2. <div class='container'>% obj_itop %

edit by mat : this forum is not bad ! just add a line break more !

arsondpi / 2009-12-15 10:35:31   

That's because you applied position: absolute; to your divs and the logo is currently behind the background and the wrapper.
Insert it after the wrapper.
And include it in your cufon js thing.

jasmu / 2009-12-15 11:11:41   

thanks, unfortunately i didn't succeed in making it behave like i wanted.

my logo text is not a link. i inserted this
div id="logo" onclick="location.href='';"

in the pre nav area.
should i put the link in the index.php? should i remove that % obj_itop %

the most important aspect, how do i make the 'logo' look bigger (doesn't work currently) and keep it in the menu area AND leave space before my projects. like between 'info' and the last project.

gosh, i'm so helpless right now.

arsondpi / 2009-12-15 12:36:38   

Put it before % obj_itop %, as this is the pre-nav area.
The rest -from hovering states, font sizes and dimensions can be achieved with css.

If you start building it and try things then I assume people here could be of more help.

Objects / 2010-07-11 01:25:33   

Did this issue ever get resolved for lemathieu?

I think I'm looking to do something similar since my pre-nav Logo is being affected by a global link decoration i.e. I dont want the blue link decoration background to be on the pre-nav Logo.

So i have a feeling that the easiest way to accomplish this would be to create a separate #div for the pre-nav Logo?

...i've come this far so i think i might be able to figure it out...if not, i'll be back ;)

Objects / 2010-07-11 01:28:21   

Okok, I see now that he said this

By the way, I did what I want by creating a new "logo" div in the index and a #logo in the style.css
That did the trick.

now lets see if i can do that too!

Oh yea, & my page is

Objects / 2010-07-11 23:38:04   

I asked a friend and it turned out to be much easier than I thought. I didnt need to make a new #dev at all.

I originally had the a:link background decoration stuff just out there so it was affecting everything. All I had to do was put it in the #menu ul like this

  1. #menu ul a:link {
  2. ¬†¬†¬†¬†background: #00ffff;
  3. ¬†¬†¬†¬†/*text-decoration: none;*/
  4. ¬†¬†¬†¬†list-style: none;
  5. ¬†¬†¬†¬†margin: 20px 20px 12px 0;
  6. }
  7. #menu ul a:visited { background: #00ffff; /*text-decoration: none;*/ }
  8. #menu ul a:hover { background: #fff; /*text-decoration: none;*/ }
  9. #menu ul a:active { background: #00ffff; /*text-decoration: none;*/ }

Then I put this above that under body.section-3{}

  1. a { text-decoration: none; }

Then I just inserted the image and link into the pre-nav box with normal html.

And now it works :)

hope this helps someone else out.

loyflut / 2010-11-11 22:32:43   

Thank you, I was looking for that.


compugene / 2011-07-10 13:59:15   

Excellent work by 'objects' he is a real savior :)

Hope this would helped him to finish his logo design, well done.

abodunrin / 2011-07-10 14:58:08   

Hey Guys,

I was having the same trouble of that annoying underline bar under my logo in the pre-nav section. I tried all the suggestion and nothing seemed to help until I added this little text to my css. I set the bg to none and that seemed to fix all the problems

  1. #top-section a:hover 
  2. color: black;
  3. background: none;

gf / 2012-04-18 22:01:48   


Yes, I understand the logo background color sources.
In css, Background: #FFF20D; to "none" would do the trick.
But I want to keep the color background with the opacity for the menu sections!
How can I turn the logo and the menu into two separate entities.
Any volunteer?
Thanks in advance.

gf / 2012-04-18 22:05:19   


Yes, I understand the logo background color sources.
In css, Background: #FFF20D; to "none" would do the trick.
But I want to keep the color background with the opacity for the menu sections!
How can I turn the logo and the menu into two separate entities.
Any volunteer?
Thanks in advance.

G470 / 2012-04-19 04:20:05   

#menu .container >*{ background-color: white;}
#menu .container ul{ background-color: red;}

should work :)

gf / 2012-04-19 12:35:02   

but I don't want to interfere with the #menu.container.
The a:hover is giving the attribute I need for the menu unfortunately for the logo too, it seems to be wrapped with the text, that's a real bummer. I don't want the -a:hover- effect for the logo.

Vaska A / 2012-04-19 12:36:51   

Then style the logo separately/differently.

This thread has been closed, thank you.